MANUFACTURERS' organisation EEF has seen several of its key figures change roles as part of a group-wide restructuring measure.

Alan Hall, director of EEF Northern, has been appointed as director responsible for EEF's Northern, Yorkshire and Humberside and Sheffield associations.

The new structure will maintain the centres in Washington, Sheffield and Leeds.

Mr Hall said: "I am absolutely delighted to have the privilege of picking up this major new role for EEF in the wider North-East.

I am determined to not simply maintain the quality and range of services available to members, but to improve these."

Tony Sarginson has been appointed to head the North-East regional operations from its Washington office. He has worked extensively with Mr Hall, over the past three years to represent and lobby on behalf of the region's manufacturers.

Mr Sarginson said: "I am delighted to be given the opportunity to lead the EEF's North-East operation. From this position, I am able to support our 600 member companies and will be really pushing the cause for engineering and manufacturing in our region."