A GRANT scheme to help Richmondshire businesses severely affected by Covid-19 restrictions has been reopened for new applicants.

The decision by Richmondshire District Council has come following the delay in reopening because of the continuing Covid restrictions.

And the scheme has been expanded to cover reopening support for businesses not covered by the Restart Grant.

Any business that missed the earlier May 31 deadline for the Additional Restrictions Grant (ARG) has now got until July 18 to make an application.

It will provide a one-off sum to support the costs of reopening safely or moving back towards the business’s former public facing service delivery as restrictions are lifted.

The grant scheme is being administered by the council on behalf of the Government.

It is aimed at businesses who either provide face to face services directly to the public themselves or those businesses where the main activity is part of the supply chain to these businesses.

The amount paid is based on the size of the business and the date when permitted to resume main business operations.

The application process is online at richmondshire.gov.uk.