A ROYAL Navy warship, which saw action in the Falklands Confict, is returning home to the North-East for a refit.

A&P Group Ltd will carry out the work on the HMS Bristol at its yard in Hebburn, South Tyneside.

This latest MoD contract for A&P will safeguard more than 100 jobs in the region for six months.

The destroyer class ship was built at Swan Hunters in 1969 and saw active service in the Falklands conflict, becoming a training vessel in 1991.

A team of MoD personnel will be based in Hebburn for the duration of the refit and the vessel is beginning the tow from Portsmouth Naval Base A&P Tyne managing director Stewart Boak said: “The work complements the current work we are performing for the Royal Navy’s new QEC aircraft carriers and the regeneration of the Castle Class patrol ships for Bangladesh Navy.”