A CUSTOMER support scheme for electric vehicle users has been launched in the North-East.

It comes as the region positions itself as a hub for electric vehicle development and use and is intended to make it as easy as possible for drivers to change to low carbon transport.

The 'Charge Your Car' scheme will be delivered by Elektromotive on behalf of regional development agency One North East.

It comes as 1,300 charging points are being installed in the North East over the next three years through the Plugged-In Places project.

That project, for which Elektromotive has installed 200 charging points, is to become known as Charge Your Car.

The development was announced today at the Cenex LCV 2010 event in Bedfordshire, an international showcase for the low carbon vehicle industry.

Dr Colin Herron, Manufacturing and Productivity Manager at One North East, said: "We are rapidly approaching a time when electric vehicles become a familiar sight on the roads of the North East and the UK.

"To ensure this dynamic new industry can grow to its full potential it is vital that we make sure there are no barriers preventing drivers from making the switch to low carbon transport."

Calvey Taylor-Haw, managing director of Elektromotive, said: "We are creating an EV recharging infrastructure, with a fully integrated "back office" management suit that will be a showcase for the world."

For the support scheme, which starts on October 1, drivers will register with the website www.chargeyourcar.org.uk to receive a welcome pack which will include their personal electronic tag for opening and using charge posts all around the region, and give them access to free parking whilst charging.

The website will also provide information on charging point locations, journey planning and links to the Switch EV vehicle trial.

Drivers registered on the site will also be able to access telephone support.