BUSINESSES across North Yorkshire are to benefit from a £90m investment fund.

Finance Yorkshire, spearheaded by Yorkshire Forward, will be unveiled at the Marriott Hotel in York on Wednesday, March, 24.

It will invest in companies across the region through a four-year investment phase to 2014.

Finance Yorkshire builds on the success of the fully-invested Partnership Investment Finance, which invested £42m and is the first crossregional finance support scheme to provide investment access on equal terms for all qualifying businesses.

James Newman, chairman of Finance Yorkshire, said the fund will mean great things for Yorkshire businesses.

“The launch of Finance Yorkshire is great news for Yorkshire,” he said.

“It will breathe new life into businesses across the region by offering them the means to expand, increase turnover and take on new staff.

“This event provides a brilliant opportunity for intermediaries to find out about Finance Yorkshire and how the Fund will be able to help businesses in the region.”

Mr Newman added: “We look forward to beginning our task in early spring.”

The York event will run from 8am to 10am, and others will be held across Yorkshire in the following weeks.

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