BUSINESSES are being offered help to ease the financial pain caused by the economic downturn.

The problems of the retail trade, particularly along Redcar High Street, are the subject of a letter written by Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council’s cabinet member for economic development, Councillor Mark Hannon, and the authority’s director of regeneration, Ian Wardle.

They are anxious to offer wide-ranging help and advice to the town’s 400 retail businesses, outlining services that can be accessed, including marketing support, mentoring and staff training as well as finance, VAT and tax advice.

Coun Hannon said: “We are dealing with a very worrying situation for everyone who has the best interests of Redcar at heart. I want to see a vibrant, bustling High Street, but there is no doubt these are difficult times.

The council has set up an advice day, to take place from 10am to 2pm tomorrow, at South Tees Business Centre, in Puddlers Road, South Bank.

To attend, or for advice, call 01642-442992 or email