A PET supply business has seen its monthly sales increase by 120 per cent after getting its name first on internet searches.

Simon Bruce, director of Pet Points, worked with digital marketing firm Silverbean from June last year to improve the company’s search engine rankings.

The Gateshead business, which specialises in the supply of pet products, has seen a four-fold increase in the number of visitors to the site since May and high conversion rates in terms of sales.

The business, which emplyes five people, has plans to double its staff over the next 12 months.

Newcastle-based Silverbean identified popular search terms which would help attract more visitors to the site and to specific products.

Silverbean then carried out a number of online marketing activities to increase the amount of users being driven to the Pet Points website. This saw Pet Points hit page one in Google and other popular search engines.

Mr Bruce, a former IT consultant, started Pet Points in June 2005 after seeing a gap in the market for a pet supplies business.

He said: “The partnership between the two businesses has worked really well.

“Silverbean has provided a very professional service and has delivered on all of the set objectives.

“Most importantly, this has had a significant impact on Pet Points’ sales.”

John Ryder, head of client services at Silverbean, who oversaw the Pet Points project, said: “Pet Points saw that digital marketing could increase traffic to their ecommerce site, and, as a result, this investment has had a significant impact on business.

“It’s been rewarding to work with a dynamic local firm which recognises the value of digital marketing in moving their business forward.”

Since the increase in sales for Pet Points, Mr Bruce, who is also involved with Dunston Exotics selling reptiles and livestock, is concentrating his efforts on the growing e-commerce site.

For further information, go to pet-points.com.

For more information on Silverbean, visit silverbean.co.uk