A TOWN’S reliance on services and the public sector have helped protect the local economy so far giving rise for hope, a conference of business leaders was told.

Delegates at the conference were told there were “green shoots” of optimism in Darlington borough, and that despite the widespread economic gloom, the town is bucking the trend.

There are 800 job vacancies in the borough, and 3,200 in the wider Tees Valley area, the conference was told, and unemployment stands at only 3.4 per cent John Williams, leader of Darlington Borough Council, said: “Even now there are green shoots growing in Darlington’s economy. We have unique partnerships that work for the good of Darlington and people have confidence which is being taken forward.”

The meeting, held at Darlington Football Club and attended by MP Alan Milburn, was called by Coun Williams, organised by Darlington Partnership and sponsored by the Student Loans Company.

Mr Milburn said: “The economy here has done pretty well and it is right to retain a sense of optimism. We have done well because of the reliance on public sector jobs such as the council, NHS, Student Loans Company and Home Office.”

Skills would be the issue for the future and he was thrilled a university centre was to be built at Darlington College.

“There is enough comfort in all of this to get Darlington through this,” he said.