AN IT specialist has issued advice to people who have received wi-fi computer equipment at Christmas.

Jonathan Wheatley is managing director of Stokesley-based MC Ware, which provides IT support to North-East businesses.

He is also a forensic computer investigator.

Mr Wheatley has advised people to ensure their presents are secure from hackers and fraudsters when using wireless wi-fi systems at home.

It is estimated that nearly seven million households have insufficient security measures, meaning people with laptops parked nearby can log in to home networks.

Mr Wheatley said: "At the very least, this means they are using a connection you have paid for.

"In extreme cases, a hacker will be able to access personal data, including bank details.

"Wi-fi is a fantastic innovation, but people must make security the main priority."

Mr Wheatley has compiled a checklist of security points for wi-fi users:

* Change your wi-fi base station passwords. Many are set with default passwords, which can be easy to guess;

* Ensure anti-virus software is installed on your computer;

* Check your firewall is enabled;

* Make sure your password is a mixture of letters and numbers;

* Disable SSID (service set identifier broadcast). This will hide your network from hackers. Consult your user manual for details;

* Ensure that logging is enabled on your network and check the logs regularly. This will indicate whether you have an unwelcome visitor;

* Power off the network when it is not in use. If the device is not active, its security cannot be compromised.