A MIDDLEBROUGH surgeon and business partner behind the childcare app The Northern Nanny, Dr Rachael Coates, has been working alongside her husband, Vascular Consultant Dr Reza Mofidi, to pull together a resource for SMEs (Small to Medium-sized Businesses) during the coronavirus outbreak.

Despite working extremely long and difficult days on the frontline, and parenting three children, the pair have teamed up in their spare time to write 'The Small Business Guide to Surviving covid-19 Pandemic' over the last two weeks.

The resource aims to empower small business owners on how to deal with the crisis and understand the help available from the UK Government, as well as providing information on the pandemic and how to survive the economic consequences.

The book has been released on Teesside as a PDF to businesses in return for a charitable donation to the Philanthropic Foundation, with funds being used towards the local covid-19 effort such as getting iPads to ill covid -19 patients to enable them to speak to their families.

Dr Rachael Coates, released The Northern Nanny app with her business partner Sarah Heward in May 2019 and since the app has been going from strength to strength, providing 525 hours of childcare monthly.

To donate email rachael@thenorthernnanny.com for your copy of 'The Small Business Guide to Surviving COVID-19 Pandemic'.

Meanwhile, a mindset coach is offering free mental wellbeing guidance.

Personal development leader, mindset and success coach, Lorna Dunning, from Hartlepool, has launched a Facebook Group to provide free guidance videos and content to help people with mindset activities during the coronavirus outbreak which is leaving people feeling anxious and stressed.

Having previously worked high in the corporate world, Lorna realised she could expect a better quality of life and turned to her role in helping people to live the life they deserve to live.

Lorna usually works on mentoring people through a 12 step personal development system to help them be clear on their mental wellbeing and getting what they want in life, providing live seminars on mindset and wellbeing goals but due to current lockdown measures has turned her attention to helping people with mindset activities on social media.

The group: Be The Change, offers regular Facebook videos with advice on staying in control and how you can spend your free time developing your mind.

This includes one of the first videos 'How to use the Imagination'.