AN HISTORIC engineering company has transformed its corporate logo into an attractive work of public art.

Apprentices at Cleveland Bridge UK were involved in the fabrication of the firm’s famous bridge logo, which incorporates six slabs of weathered steel – echoing the appearance of the iconic Angel of the North.

The eye-catching installation is outside its extensive 22-acre site on Yarm Road, Darlington, and its presence has been enhanced by dramatic lighting.

It was designed and fabricated by Cleveland Bridge and was commissioned to reflect the firm’s long association with the town. Naturally, it turned to the medium of steel, which has made the firm famous around the globe.

Cleveland Bridge can trace its origins back more than 150 years and its long list of achievements include Sydney Harbour Bridge, Wembley Stadium Arch, the Shard and Scotland’s Queensferry Crossing.

Managing director, Chris Droogan, said: “The installation reflects the area’s proud industrial and engineering heritage. It is more than a representation of our logo, but an artwork which represents the essence of Cleveland Bridge and its enduring link with the town.”