THE Teesside Engineering Network (TEN) will be in Darlington this month providing the first opportunity to hear more about the new £38m National Biologics Manufacturing Centre (NBMC) which will be built on Tees Valley Enterprise Zone site - Central Park.

Jonathan Robinson, business manager at The Centre For Process Innovation (CPI) who have been charged by the Government to establish and operate the facility, will describe its objectives and the potential benefits for the North East science and engineering communities.

He will be joined by Jake Tompkins, managing director at Modus Seabed Intervention Limited. The subsea trenching, autonomous and remotely operated vehicle service provider is targeting a number of offshore renewables and oil and gas contracts both in the UK sector and internationally.

Jamie Brown, from Francis Brown, Ltd said: “We are delighted to secure such high profile speakers for the latest TEN event.

"They will be bringing with them a wealth of knowledge and expertise which is essential information for the local companies working within the engineering supply chain.”

The Teesside Engineering Network was set up earlier this year by Axiom Engineering Associates Ltd, Francis Brown Ltd and Industrial and Marine Hydraulics Ltd to support the engineering sector across the Tees Valley.

The breakfast event takes place on Friday October 18 at Teesside University Darlington Campus with registration from 8.00am and networking until 10.00am.

The event is free to attend but booking is essential via the website