
  • Car Torque with .... Keith Chegwin

    KEITH Chegwin was the star of Cheggers Plays Pop and the Multi-Coloured Swapshop before presenting the ‘Down Your Doorstep’ element of the Big Breakfast. He then appeared regularly on daytime show GMTV and more recently starred in the film ‘Kill Keith

  • Benefactor delivers gifts to hospice children

    THERE was a touch of festive cheer in a hospice tonight (Thursday December 20) as every child received a Christmas gift courtesy of a generous benefactor. Bootcamp organiser Rob Westerburg spent all the proceeds from a festive fitness programme

  • MPs warn Energy Bill could hit North-East jobs

    THOUSANDS of North-East jobs are at risk unless ministers make urgent changes to the new Energy Bill, MPs have warned.   The government is set to give energy companies the go ahead to hike electricity bills to help fund investment in new low-carbon

  • Christmas offshore for Tees Valley workers

    AFTER spending almost every Christmas in the last 35 years working offshore, Neil Cushin’s family are used to opening their presents early. And this year will be no different, even though he will be almost close enough to see his family home. The

  • If a job's worth doing

    RELATIONS between my wife and I were still on the frosty side when we set off to collect the Christmas tree. We’d started talking again following our dramatic fall-out on the tennis court, but the bruise on her arm kept being brought up in conversation

  • County Durham firms are a glass act for Durham Cathedral

    COUNTY DURHAM design specialists have helped to replicate 11th century manuscripts into stunning new panes of glass at a world heritage site.  Newton Aycliffe-based Echo Graphics joined forces with Creative Glass, of Stockton, to produce the six-foot

  • One 80-year-old who’s nicely geared up for Christmas

    MAURICE BARTLE has decided that, on balance, he’d rather not have a bike for Christmas. The sport’s highspeed resurgence notwithstanding, he has 112 already. Wheels within wheels, they occupy the full length of the boarded attic at his large

  • Expenses

    AS a town councillor, I recently submitted an expenses claim form to Spennymoor Town Council for a whole year’s expenses. After much deliberation by the town clerk, who told me I should submit these forms on a monthly basis, I received, after tax,

  • Keep rolling on

    VJ CONNOR writes that the Rolling Stones were better than The Beatles (HAS, Dec 15). I am sorry to disappoint him, but saying the Stones were better than The Beatles is a bit like saying Cliff was better than Elvis. I have seen both groups perform

  • Sports Personality

    AFTER watching the BBC Sports Personality of the Year (Echo, Dec 17) a thought struck me: how can the BBC follow that in 2013? There are no major football championships or Olympic games next year. So where will the winner come from? I have

  • Volunteers needed

    I AM writing to thank all our volunteers for the fantastic contribution they’ve made this year to the charity Leonard Cheshire Disability’s Bradbury House in Crook. I’d also like to ask anyone considering their New Year’s resolutions for 2013,

  • HSBC

    SHARON JOHNSON wrote about the difficulties of finding a working cash machine in Shildon and criticised MP Helen Goodman for the campaign to keep a bank in the town (HAS, Dec 15). I would like to point out that the local HSBC Branch in Shildon

  • Lonely at Christmas

    THIS Christmas Barnardo’s wants to highlight the issue of young people in care having to go it alone when they turn 18. At Christmas time, the impact of this is particularly poignant as these vulnerable teenagers, many of whom have been neglected

  • Turkey

    SOON millions of people across the UK will be sitting down to a turkey on Christmas Day. However, few will realise that the turkey they are eating was most likely raised in appalling conditions. Animal Aid has filmed inside typical UK turkey

  • Four flood warnings as river levels rise

    FOUR flood warnings have been issued in North Yorkshire following heavy rainfall. The Environment Agency said river levels had risen rapidly due to saturated river catchment areas. It has issued warnings for the Bishop Monkton Beck, near Ripon

  • Maths skills

    APPARENTLY one-in-four adults has the maths skills of a nineyear- old. I bet you would get a much better result if you surveyed my generation (the over-60s). but then we learnt our tables “parrot fashion” sitting at desks facing a teacher who could

  • Pickles’ money saving tips

    CONCERNED about council cuts? Terrified by the town hall axeman? Fear not, kindly Eric Pickles has the simple solutions to soothe all your anxieties. Hot off the press, I have in my grasp a handbook for cash-starved local authorities – published

  • Traders to choose how £10k windfall is spent

    TRADERS in a market town hit by the economic downturn will decide how a £10,000 Government cash windfall will used. Hambleton District Council, Bedale Town Council, Bedale and Villages Community Forum and Bedale Chamber of Trade and Tourism said

  • Restoring reputations

    THE former Durham Chief Constable Jon Stoddard has an enormous job on his hands as he takes on the new Hillsborough inquiry. He has to uncover the truth about how 96 football fans died more than 23 years ago – a generation ago. The police at

  • It’s the end of the world as we know it (and I feel fine)

    The Mayan civilisation made great strides in writing, art, architecture, astronomy and agriculture – but could they predict the end of the world? And if they did, is it tomorrow? Nigel Burton reports IF, as the doomsayers predict, the world does

  • Chantel to star at blues festival

    TICKETS have gone on sale for the third annual Durham Blues Festival. The festival will feature 12 acts across two stages in the Gala Theatre, Durham City, on Sunday, June 23, 2013. There will be music from 2pm to 10pm. Early bird discounted

  • Army band records charity CD

    A COUNTY Durham-based Territorial Army band has produced a new charity CD. The Newton Aycliffe-based Pipes and Drums of 102 Battalion Royal Electrical Mechanical Engineers, which prefers to go by the name of The Northern Craftsmen, has recorded

  • North Yorkshire: In Brief

    Criminal’s cash: Ryedale Folk Museum at Hutton-le-Hole is being given £2,920 by the police. The money, seized from criminals under the Proceeds of Crime Act, will go towards the building of a new exhibit, a glass furnace shelter. Top venue: The

  • Artists required to work with young people

    ARTISTS REQUIRED: Tees Valley Arts are looking for five host artist workers to help with projects involving the area’s young people. The Moving On initiative works with children in the care of local authorities across the Tees Valley area. Projects

  • Community bus services to be launched

    TWO new community bus services will be launched after passengers won a battle to retain popular routes. The 16 service will run between the west end of Darlington and the town centre, taking in Glebe Road, Laburnum Road and Mayfair Road, with a

  • Librarian pays emotional farewell

    A LIBRARIAN has paid an emotional farewell after running a village library for 35 years. Vivienne Allison, 58, stamped her last book at Annfield Plain Library near Stanley, in County Durham, today (Thursday, December 20). She said: “I’m sad

  • Village plans Christmas events

    SHADFORTH CHRISTMAS: St Cuthbert’s Church, in Shadforth, near Durham, will hold a Christingle service at 6pm on Christmas Eve and Midnight Mass at 11.30pm, followed by refreshments. STAMMER SUPPORT: Durham Stammer Support Group will hold its next

  • Police release CCTV footage of man guilty of drug-driving

    POLICE have released CCTV footage of a man who has pleaded guilty at court to driving a car while on drugs. In the footage Michael Kitching, 28, from Guisborough, appears to struggle to get out of his car before staggering across a petrol station

  • Former Chairman of Cleveland Police bailed

    THE former chairman of a North-East police authority has appeared in crown court charged with perverting the course of justice. Dave McLuckie, former chairman of Cleveland Police Authority, did not enter a plea at Newcastle Crown Court today, (

  • New play for Gospels return

    A NEW play is being written to celebrate the return of the Lindisfarne Gospels to the North-East next summer. Tyneside-based Ed Waugh and Trevor Wood have been commissioned to write A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Durham, which will get its

  • Health secretary asked to intervene over Friarage Hospital

    THE SECRETARY of State for health has formally been asked to intervene in the proposed downgrading of services at the Friarage Hospital in Northallerton. A formal letter was today (Thursday, December 20) sent to health secretary Jeremy Hunt by

  • Dad's the biggest Christmas worry - survey

    BUYING presents for dad is Durham shoppers’ biggest festive stress, a survey suggests. More than half of the 100 people who took part in a survey in the Prince Bishops shopping centre, in Durham City, said they were stuck for ideas for their father

  • Stock up on medication ahead of Christmas, experts warn

    PEOPLE are being warned to stock up on medication ahead of Christmas. With GP surgeries closed for two days over the festive period, health experts are encouraging people to be prepared. Dr James Gossow, Senior Medical Advisor for NHS Tees

  • Mountain rescue team talk

    CLIMBING PRESENTATION: On Thursday, January 10, Paul Figg will give a talk to raise funds for Swaledale Mountain Rescue Team on an Ascent of Dunglung Kangri (correct), in the Eastern Karakorum (correct.) mountain range bordering Pakistan, India and

  • Police appeal for witnesses after Richmond car smash

    POLICE are appealing for information after a serious car accident near Richmond just after midnight on Thursday (December 20). Two men in their early 20s were travelling from Richmond towards Marske at Clapgate Bank - a single-track country lane

  • Hawes museum to get £50,000 investment

    AN UPPER Dales museum is set to get a £50,000 facelift in a bid to boost visitor numbers and income. Members of the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority (YDNPA) agreed on Tuesday (December 18) to invest the substantial sum in the Dales Countryside

  • Praise for children who saved their library

    THE mother of two children who gave up their holidays and Saturdays to pound the streets of their community to save their library has told of her pride. Kane Miller, 11, and his sister, Angel, eight, helped collect thousands of signatures to protest

  • Student's mercy mission led to driving ban

    A STUDENT’S unplanned early hours 'mercy mission' to assist a fraught fellow undergraduate landed him with a driving ban. Elliot Alan Blenkhorn was at the wheel of a car seen swerving across the southbound carriageway entering the A19 at Wellfield

  • Victim will "never forgive" laptop thief

    A MAN who used work as a ruse to steal a laptop from his stepfather’s partner has appeared in court. Darlington Magistrates’ Court heard today (Thursday, December 20) that 18-year-old Christian Millins told his stepfather’s partner Emma Collins

  • Lost loved ones to be remembered

    A CEREMONY to remember lost loved ones will be held in Darlington this weekend. St Teresa’s Hospice’s Light up a Life campaign service will be held at the Dolphin Centre, in Darlington, on Sunday, December 23. It gives people the chance to

  • Driving ban for motorist

    A WOMAN who had six points on her licence has been banned from driving after committing two further motoring offences. Darlington Magistrates’ Court heard today (Thursday, December 20) that Gilleen Morris, 34, was caught driving without insurance

  • Olympic torchbearer takes starring role in school nativity

    AN Olympic torchbearer is taking the starring role in a primary school's Christmas nativity play. To mark the end of an Olympic year, pupils and staff at Corporation Road Primary School, in Darlington, have produced their own nativity play, called

  • Darlington training boss wins national acclaim

    THE boss of a North East training firm has been recognised nationally for his work. Peter Robinson, chairman of Darlington-headquartered Nordic Pioneer, has been appointed as an Honorary Member of the City & Guilds. The title was awarded

  • Drink driver banned

    A MOTORIST has been banned from the roads and fined in court for drink driving. Michael Blewitt, 43, of Brinkburn Drive, Darlington pleaded guilty to drink-driving when he appeared before the town’s magistrates’ court today (Thursday, December

  • 'Down and out' debaters at Durham

    YOU might imagine students from Durham University’s debating society and former down-and-outers living in charity accommodation had little in common. But you’d be wrong – at least according to Katie Binks, who helps run a project under which Durham

  • Van stolen after keys snatched from driver

    POLICE are hunting a thief who stole a van after snatching the keys from the driver’s hand. The driver of the van – a white Ford Transit – stopped in Great Smeaton, near Northallerton, at about 11.10am today, December 20, to ask a man for directions

  • Survey claims North-East has most cases of flu-like illness

    A NEW online flu survey says the North-East has the highest levels of flu-like illness in England. Dr Alma Adler, research fellow at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, who is running the UK Flusurvey project, said: "The data

  • Salvaged school wood gets new lease of life

    VOLUNTEERS working on a heritage railway have taken delivery of an early Christmas present. Wood currently being stripped out of the former science labs in Richmond’s Lower School has been donated to the Wensleydale Railway for restoration work

  • Antiques Roadshow from Fountains Abbey

    THE post-Christmas gloom will be lifted with memories of a sunny summer’s day at Fountains Abbey. Almost 4,000 people turned out when BBC TV crews descended on the World Heritage site near Ripon to film an episode of the ever-popular Antiques Roadshow

  • Councillors discuss wheelie bin roll out in Darlington

    COUNCILLORS are set to make a number of recommendations aimed at ensuring a smooth roll out of wheelie bins across Darlington next year. Members of Darlington Borough Council’s scrutiny committee have been examining the practicalities of introducing

  • Piano teacher gathers pupils for Christmas concert

    A PIANO teacher has gathered her pupils together for a Christmas carol concert and to give them a chance to perform for an audience for the first time. Amanda Taylor, 25, has more than 20 pupils who she visits at their homes around Darlington after

  • Panto stars visit children's ward for festive fun

    THE cast of the pantomime Sleeping Beauty have visited a children’s ward to brighten spirits ahead of the festive period. The stars of Darlington Civic Theatre’s panto went to the children’s ward at Darlington Memorial Hospital in full costume

  • Bradley's arresting day with the police

    CHRISTMAS came early for young Bradley Spry, who is so keen to be policeman he directs the traffic in his spare time. The eight-year-old was given a trip to see the police helicopter at Newcastle Airport and has been inside police cars from his

  • Festive pupils boost hospice funds

    YOUNGSTERS raised more than £2,000 for a hospice by doing a Santa Run. More than 400 pupils at Cestria Primary School in Chester-le-Street donned Father Christmas hats and ran around the playing field of the nearby Park View School. The youngsters

  • Heavy rain floods roads and closes A19 northbound

    ROADS across the region - including the A19 - are yet again under water today after heavy overnight rain. The A688 Bishop Auckland bypass is closed, and the A19 northbound, between Testos roundabout in South Tyneside and the Boldon turn-off is

  • Lunch workshops for business leaders

    A NEW scheme has been launched for business leaders who are able to make time for a lunch break. The Evolution Business Centre, in Northallerton, is holding a series of ‘lunch and learn’ workshops next year. They will begin on January 31 with

  • The Jockey Club pledges additional £5m in prize-money

    THE Jockey Club has announced its racecourse arm will offer more than £40m in prize-money in 2013 – an increase of £5m on this year. The group are to stage 361 fixtures next year and of the £40m in prize-money, a record £18.6m will be contributed

  • Dartnall on weather watch

    TRAINER Victor Dartnall is hoping for some help from the weather as he looks to saddle his first runners in over a month at Exeter on Thursday. Dartnall was forced to shut down his stables in November after an outbreak of equine herpes in the yard

  • Passage Hurdle bid unlikely

    DERMOT WELD has revealed it is ‘‘more likely’’ Rite Of Passage will be trained for next year’s Gold Cup at Royal Ascot than take his chance in the Ladbrokes World Hurdle at the Cheltenham Festival. The master of Rosewell House produced one of his

  • Guest is the best at Kempton

    GUEST OF HONOUR is the best bet at Kempton’s twilight meeting as he starts off life in handicap company for Marco Botti. The three-year-old ran a couple of promising race at Kempton and Pontefract before justifying favouritism with a nice effort

  • Morgan relishing chance to extend England party

    EOIN MORGAN is excited by the opportunity to continue England’s purple patch after their historic Test series victory in India, when he leads an inexperienced Twenty20 team against the hosts today. The Irishman, who has just once before led his

  • Five sign new Arsenal deals – now for Walcott

    ENGLAND midfielder Jack Wilshere is one of five Arsenal players to have agreed new long-term contracts with the club. Wilshere has committed his future to Emirates Stadium alongside fellow internationals Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain, Kieran Gibbs, Carl

  • Barca to stand by boss Tito after cancer returns

    BARCELONA have pledged to stand by coach Tito Vilanova after confirming he faces a second battle against cancer. The Primera Division club’s medical department revealed in a statement last night that the 44-year-old would have surgery on his parotid

  • Lead theft at parish church fails to dampen festive spirits

    PARISHIONERS whose church roof was left leaking like a colander after being stripped of its lead have rallied together to ensure the theft does not dampen their festive cheer. Since thieves struck at St Bartholomew’s Church in the hamlet of Sunderland

  • Reminder to keep homes secure after sneak-in burglaries

    POLICE are reminding people to keep their homes secure after a number of sneak-in burglaries in east Durham. Over the last couple of days, someone has been trying door handles in different housing estates and entering houses which were unlocked

  • Mayor of Durham opens upgraded primary school library

    A MAYOR has opened a refurbished school library. Councillor John Wilkinson, the Mayor of Durham, cut the ribbon on the refitted library at Belmont Cheveley Park Primary School, in Belmont, Durham City. The improvements, which cost around £5,000

  • Masters of the dark arts

    Biz column. SO much of my time is spent handling emails and telephone pitches from PR people I thought I'd compile an end of 2012 list in honour of those masters of the dark arts.  Least inspiring headline on a press release: "Specifiers urged

  • Match Report: Leeds United 1 Chelsea 5

    Final Score: Leeds United 1 Chelsea 5 FRANK LAMPARD revealed a dressing-room discussion at half-time sparked Chelsea’s revival as they came from behind to beat Leeds 5-1 in the Capital One Cup quarter-finals. Chelsea had trailed to a Luciano

  • Ji heading for Sunderland exit

    SUNDERLAND striker Ji Dong-won will end his unsuccessful spell on Wearside when the transfer window reopens at the start of next month. The South Korean's former club, Chunnam Dragons, have confirmed their desire to re-sign the 21-year-old, while German

  • Perch: 'We haven't seen the best of Anita'

    JAMES Perch expects Newcastle United team-mate Vurnon Anita to be even more effective in the second half of the season. After initially struggling to acclimatise following his summer move from Ajax, Anita has gradually found his feet in the last

  • Mowbray will only make signings if players leave

    MIDDLESBROUGH manager Tony Mowbray will only make a January signing if a member of the current squad leaves next month. The transfer window reopens at the turn of the year and with a lucrative new Premier League television deal beginning at the

  • Who's next on Newcastle's European adventure?

    SO far, it has felt like more like a hindrance than a reward for finishing fifth in the league last season. But when the draw for the next two rounds of the Europa League takes place in the Swiss town of Nyon this afternoon, Newcastle United will finally

  • Pickles accused of waging war on North-East councils

    MINISTERS were accused last night of again waging war on North-East councils with "unfair" cuts - while authorities in leafy parts of the South escape the agony. The overall spending power of North-East town halls will be slashed by up to 2.2 per

  • Young prisoner cleared of false imprisonment of fellow inmate

    AN inmate at a young offenders’ institution (YOI) has been cleared of holding a fellow detainee hostage in his cell. Daniel Andrews, 20, denied a charge of false imprisonment, stemming from the incident at Deerbolt YOI, near Barnard Castle, County

  • PCC hits out at proposed cut to police force budget

    DURHAM'S Police and Crime Commissioner, Ron Hogg, has hit out at a proposed cut in the force's budget for 2013-14 – but says he remains committed to the priorities he has set to tackle domestic abuse and hate crime. The Government provisional police

  • Exam success for Teesdale martial arts students

    MARTIAL arts students from Teesdale were put through their paces at a Taekwondo black belt exam. Master Bryan Whiley 6th Dan, and Master Gary Sykes 6th Dan, were the examiners at Teesdale Leisure Centre, in Barnard Castle. Successful Teesdale

  • Witham Hall art project attracts overwhelming response

    MORE than 120 artists from across the country expressed an interest in a commission offered by officials at Barnard Castle's Witham Hall. The landmark hall, in the town centre, is currently undergoing a £3m rebuilding and refurbishment scheme.

  • Artist gets apology after harassment over TV Licence

    THE TV Licensing authority have apologised to an artist after she received threatening letters telling her to get a licence despite not having a TV. Laura Emerson is not even living at her house in Roddymoor, Crook, but for the past 18 months has

  • Old mine workings blamed for new road's repeated flooding

    OVERFLOWING water from an old mine working has been blamed for the repeated flooding of a town’s bypass next to the site of a proposed cinema complex. Motorists in Bishop Auckland were left frustrated for at least the third time this year after

  • Funding boost likely for successful Cockfield youth project

    A SUCCESSFUL youth project is looking forward to a happy new year thanks to the prospect of more cash to enable it to continue for another 12 months. Teesdale YMCA established a trio of weekly youth sessions, in Cockfield, in February which are

  • New Year's Eve dance and planning approvals

    NEW YEAR’S DANCE: A New Year’s Eve dance with John Beaty will be held at Escomb Village Hall from 8pm to midnight on Monday, December 31. Tickets cost £5, call Des Graves for more information on 01388-605548. EXTENSION APPROVAL: Durham County Council

  • OAP freed from car after accident

    A PENSIONER had to be cut free from the wreckage of her car after an accident in Ferryhill. The woman, in her 70s, was driving a Toyota which collided with a railings outside Dean Bank Primary School at about 9am on Thursday, December 20. Fire