
  • Orchestra concert

    A PROGRAMME of uplifting summer music is being performed at Darlington Arts Centre later this month. Darlington Orchestra's summer concert takes place on Saturday, July 23 at 7.30pm. The 45-strong orchestra will play works by Rossini, Bucalossi, Gershwin

  • Summer school will help youngsters

    A NEW theatre summer school is aiming to help young people who have been left demotivated by the recession. As well as giving youngsters a chance to perform on a professional stage, the summer school at Darlington Civic Theatre will also help some young

  • New kitchen for charity shop

    A CHARITY shop has a had a new kitchen installed thanks to a Darlington company. Durtona Design Ltd offered to completely re-vamp the run down kitchen at the St Teresa's Hospice Home Shop in Skinnergate, at no charge to the hospice. Paul Ashley of Durtona

  • School charity cash

    AN African dance troupe has entertained youngsters at a Darlington school thanks to help from a building society. Darlington Building Society made a donation to Mowden Junior School enabling it to fund a visit by the drum and dance troupe, the Mighty

  • News in brief

    EXERCISE CLASSES: Darlington Keep Fit Association is holding open summer dance exercise classes for women of all ages and abilities every Tuesday from 7.30pm to 9pm between July 12 and August 30. Different Regional Teachers each week bring their unique

  • Carnival takes over town

    CROWDS enjoyed the warm weather at the 26th annual carnival in Northallerton today. The event took over the High Street, with attractions including local band Purple Mafia, two local dance troups and a funfair. There were also clowns, belly dancers

  • Lap-dancing club must keep quiet

    A LAP-dancing club in York has been banned from playing music until it brings its licences up to date. A High Court judge has told Bohemia nightclub in Micklegate it must get a new licence before it can play music. The company has also been given

  • Double stabbing in York

    A MAN and a woman are in custody after a double-stabbing in York. The pair both suffered stab wounds in what police called a "domestic-related incident" beside the Stop Gap shop in Gale Lane, Acomb, on Saturday night. A 44-year-old man

  • Man knifes takeaway workers in Harrogate

    A MAN has been arrested following a knife incident at a Harrogate takeaway. North Yorkshire Police are investigating an incident in which two members of staff at Ocean’s 11 on Kings Road were attacked by a man armed with a knife. A man entered the

  • Parking mad

    Parking enforcement has become a major talking point in Darlington. Since the borough council assumed responsibility for parking enforcement from the police in January, there is a perception that an over-zealous approach has been adopted.

  • Brown sets a simple target

    WHILE most strikers are setting goal targets for the new season, there’s one at Hartlepool United whose ambition isn’t quite as headline grabbing.James Brown is targeting plenty, but his outlook is  more about appearances than goals.

  • Murdoch flies in over hack scandal

    RUPERT Murdoch flew into the UK to take personal charge of the phone hacking scandal today as pressure mounted on the Government to freeze News Corporation's proposed takeover of BSkyB. The 80-year-old clutched a copy of the final edition of the axed

  • Ramblers take part in Great North Walk

    RAMBLERS followed in the footsteps of a historic explorer when they took part in the Diabetes UK Great North Walk. A lankmark on the ten-mike hike across the North York Moors was Captain Cooks Monument, erected near Great Ayton in honour of local man