
  • Darlington man completes Atlantic challenge

    A BUSINESSMAN who had not steered a boat since he was a Boy Scout has helped to sail across the Atlantic in just 18 days. Gareth Cordey was part of a more experienced 10-man crew taking part in the Atlantic Rally for Cruisers. The route took the team

  • Nearly 100 people arrested in Christmas drink-drive campaign

    NEARLY 100 people were arrested for drink-driving in a county-wide Christmas safety campaign. North Yorkshire police breathalysed more than 3,800 motorists between December 1 and 27, as part of Operation Helical 2, which aims to encourage drivers to

  • Clough to be honoured with second statue

    A SELECTION of designs for a statue of one of the North-East's most famous football managers will be unveiled in the New Year. Brian Clough, who was born in Grove Hill, Middlesbrough, already has a 7ft bronze statue of him in the town's Albert Park.

  • Measures to improve safety on top priority road given go ahead

    AN £84,000 package of measures for improving safety on a Hartlepool road ranked as the council's top priority for action has been given the go-ahead. Councillor Peter Jackson, Hartlepool Council's neighbourhood and communities portfolio holder, granted

  • Residents asked to provide information to improve health

    RESIDENTS of a north Durham community have been asked to provide information to help improve their health. Health chiefs say the health of people in Derwentside has got better over the last ten years, but there is still a gap between the health of the

  • Warning about spirit measures given to pubs

    TRADING Standards officers have warned pub bosses in Middlesbrough about giving customers the correct spirit measures over the holiday period. A survey was carried out recently into how spirits are measured out by bar staff at several pubs and clubs