AFTER THE recent freezing temperatures (and frozen lakes) the weather was favourable and quite mild for Witton Castle Lakes’ 2015 season opening weekend. A total of 27 visiting anglers for Saturday alone dusted off their fishing tackle in anticipation of a great days angling. They certainly weren’t disappointed, as the day proved to be one of the busiest for them on record with a total catch of 343 fish! Giving anglers a more than impressive rod average of 12.7.

A number of anglers (15 to be exact) returned the lakes’ 15 fish limit and it would be a shame to name only a few. They were; J.Walker, A.Ward, D.Elsdon, P.Rowbotham, D.Jones, S.Nezlins, A.Ross, J.Ord-Renshaw, G.Grabham, J,Maguire, T.Ross, B.Morris, A.Currie, J.Wharton and R.Adam. Our apologies to any anglers who’s name we may have spelt incorrectly, your handwriting on the signing in sheets is all we have to go on.

The best fish for the day both go to T.Ross with two very impressive rainbows, one weighing in at 6.5lb and one at 6lb. J.Steed is also worth a mention who landed herself an equally impressive 2.5lb rainbow.

Dedicated angler of the weekend goes to a local regular, M.Maddison who flew all the back from a trip to India, especially for the opening weekend and was duly rewarded with 12 fish on Saturday.

The biggest success in landing fish was due in the main to our old favourite of the last few weeks - blood worm. Although many anglers also saw success with olives, damsels and black buzzers. The improved temperatures over the weekend look set to continue and should see the buzzer hatches starting soon, which should give anglers some great top of the water action.

The club received many kind comments from visiting anglers over the weekend on how much they enjoyed their sport, and in particular the friendly and helpful attitude here at Witton Castle Lakes - kind words indeed.

Submitted by Witton Castle Lakes