HE might have only one Premier League start behind him, but Newcastle United’s Tim Krul is convinced he has the mental and physical toughness to deal with a Stoke City battering tomorrow.

Krul, highly-rated at club and national level, has found himself thrust in to the spotlight in the last week following confirmation that Steve Harper is facing 12 weeks out with a shoulder problem.

Harper’s injury means his 22-year-old understudy must come of age at St James’ Park, where he will be between the posts for the Magpies against Stoke.

The Dutchman, however, is confident he can live up to his growing reputation, even if his first task is to keep Stoke’s barrage of direct balls into his penalty box at bay.

“You have to prepare for everything Stoke might throw at you,” he said. “Paul Barron, the goalkeeper coach, said to me this morning ‘don’t just focus on the throw-ins, it is going to come from everywhere’.

“If you catch nine throwins, the tenth is a different ball again. So you just have to stay focused for the 90 minutes.

That is what I can do.”

Having had to deal with a late Everton surge for an equaliser at Goodison Park last week, following Harper’s withdrawal, and a dramatic Newcastle win at Stamford Bridge in the Carling Cup on Wednesday, Krul feels satisfied he is tough enough to cope with the Potters.

“I have been to the gym,”

said Krul, with a smile on his face. “Everyone knows English football. It is always kick and rush, they say but I have to be ready for the knocks and I have to give some to them as well.

“I am lucky that we have Andy Carroll, who is a great header of the ball, and he will be there to help me.

“I will just have to be prepared for what Stoke throw at me. Everyone knows Stoke’s qualities but we just have to concentrate on ours as well.”

Newcastle have won all three matches Krul has played this season, including the 3-2 win at Accrington in the Carling Cup, and is now excited about proving himself in the Premier League.

Throughout pre-season he spoke about the prospect of this being a big year, now he is intent on showing why after learning he will effectively become the No 1 for the next few months at least.

He said: “This is what I have been waiting for. You never want Harps to get a bad injury but you hope sometimes he will miss the odd game now and then.

“He would say the same thing because he has been in a similar situation himself. He always says to me ‘just be ready’ and before the season he said to me ‘I have not been injured for three years, so it is going to come’. You just have to stay sharp waiting for that moment.

“I can be patient. I did not play many games last season but Steve has been really good to me, saying how patient he has had to be.

“It is nice to know it is not just one game in two or three months so you do not have to put everything into just one game. It is nice I can show people what I can do over a longer period, not just the odd game in the Cup.”

Krul, born in Den Haag, moved to Tyneside in 2006 so he knows the Newcastle squad are not in a position to become carried away after a few decent results, particularly the midweek win at Chelsea.

But he is satisfied Newcastle can enjoy their first season back in the Premier League.

“We have to come down from Wednesday because Stoke is coming up,” he said.

“We are allowed to be happy after such a result. It was a big step for the whole team to win at Chelsea.

Chris Hughton said just to go out and enjoy it and show what we were all about. We did more than that I think.”