WAS there ever a more ineffectual leader of our country than the present incumbent?

If it were not humiliating enough to witness the Prime Minister blathering on about when he last bought a Cornish pasty, we are now treated to his latest perspective on world affairs. As Aung San Suu Kyi addressed Parliament, this great Burmese lady, democrat, freedom fighter must have surely wondered what on earth she had stumbled upon. For there was David Cameron at the G20 summit, taking centre stage among the world’s most powerful, to pontificate about comedian Jimmy Carr’s tax arrangements!

The PM’s posturing over the Falklands is equally cringe worthy. His repeated claims to stern leadership qualities are reminiscent of the man who came to dinner and laid claim to high integrity: “The more he spoke of his honour, the more carefully we counted the silver.”

For a man of such privileged upbringing and education, this incompetence is deeply embarrassing.

Rob Meggs, Hartlepool.