I WOULD like to ensure your readers do not get a distorted view of Stockton schools following the article about educational performance (Echo, June 13.) Stockton has an impressive number of strong schools and a growing number of very highperforming schools.

Fifteen are now judged as outstanding by Ofsted, no primary school has been judged inadequate and the borough boasts three National Leaders of Education.

End of key stage assessments are the highest they have ever been at secondary level and standards continue to rise across all key stages. Our attendance figures are the best ever and build on existing good practice.

Significant building work is also planned at many of the borough’s schools.

This will create exciting and dynamic learning environments to support excellent teaching and learning.

There is an excellent relationship between all the schools that work closely with the local authority to ensure all our young people have access to the best possible learning opportunities.

I am proud to be Stockton’s Cabinet Member for Children and Young People. Our town is fantastic place for children to learn.

Councillor Ann McCoy Stockton Borough Council.