AFTER the jubilee weekend when millions flew the flag for Her Majesty, it was distressing to notice serial correspondent Peter Winstanley (HAS, June 6) up to his usual unpatriotic tricks, implying that Britain fails in some alleged duty to act as the world’s immigration social worker.

I maintain Britain has endured more than her share of bad times over the centuries (Queen Mary burning bishops, Cromwell banning Christmas etc).

When Tony Blair was asked for facts and figures on immigration these proved hard to find, since immigration was then running out of control.

We do know that around 2.5 million British residents are unemployed – many absolutely desperate to find work.

Taking in any more immigrants at all must surely be illogical – irrespective of ethnic origin.

BBC fraud-buster Dominic Littlewood often investigates immigrants. Amongst their wellestablished tactics for sneaking into Britain are hiding in lorries, using fake EU passports, engaging in sham marriages and enrolling on bogus language courses etc. They know they are breaking the law.

This certainly doesn’t fit the “poor, but honest, victims” image painted by Mr Winstanley.

Having never ever noted one simple kind word written by Mr Winstanley about Britain and its politics, I am astonished that he has not considered emigration.

Many an easterly republic would welcome him, since his derogatory views of Britain closely match their own.

Dr David Sparks, Hartlepool.