I VOTED against the privatisation of the Sedgefield Borough Council’s housing stock when it was transferred to Sedgefield Borough Homes, the housing association now called livin.

I voted against it because tenants would lose their democratic right to ask a councillor to act on their behalf.

Now livin can invoke the Data Protection Act when it conveniently wishes to duck a question.

The latest complaints I have received are about the grass cutting contract.

If tenants have relatives who live within a three mile radius of Spennymoor they have to arrange to have their own grass cut. I have asked livin to look into this matter. I am sure that the tenants who voted in favour of the switch from council ownership did so because they were promised a better service.

Livin is courting bad publicity and it needs to take the requirements of the elderly and disabled into account.

Lib Dem councillor Ben Ord, Spennymoor/Middlestone, Durham County Council.