ANYONE who joins a political party automatically sacrifices the freedom to publicly express their true opinions.

Party decisions are made and acted upon a majority vote, but what of those in disagreement?

They are gagged.

Party loyalty is sacrosanct, therefore hypocrisy is automatically condoned.

The dictates of the party whip must be strictly observed – you’re with us or against us.

The Leveson inquiry has revealed the corruption in politics with its “you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours”


The astute voter will always prefer an independent before a party-nominated candidate.

Primarily they have entered into politics seeking nothing more than the furtherance of democracy and the rights of the individual.

Not for a ride on the gravy train as many party politicians appear to want.

We of the proletariat appear to be too dim to make worthwhile assessments and are regarded as such and acted upon.

AW Dunn, Spennymoor.