JOHN WATSON asked if I had been abducted by the aliens I often write about or have moved out of the area (HAS, May 16).

The answer is no, to both of his questions.

Mr Watson labelled my offerings as “tedious” and “inane” but do we really have to read about the bores of politics everyday?

I turn 40 on May 23, and I am not as silly as I used to be. I now enjoy the quieter side of life.

Over the years, I have tried my best to add variety to the usual political diatribe by writing about the solar system, ghosts, my addiction to dancing in elevators and even the flatulence problems of certain County Durham beer drinkers who were banned from their local boozers.

If Mr Watson thinks that my contributions are dull or foolish, then fair play, but I cannot please everyone.

However, I always do my best.

I would like him to know that some folks might eat oats when they are hungry, but the people of Hungary might not want to eat oats.

Make of that what you will, John, and happy reading.

Christopher Wardell, Darlington.