IT is with total incredulity that I respond to David Collinge’s comments about parental leave (HAS, May 14).

Parental leave is an important time for both parents.

Unfortunately, when my first child was born I had no right to statutory paid leave from the Government but was able to take one week’s paid annual leave from the multi-national company I work for.

Three years later, when my second child was born, I was fortunate enough to be entitled to two whole weeks statutory paternity pay.

However, I could not afford such a luxury and took paid annual leave to help my wife the best I could.

I should mention that my wife is afforded a flexible maternity leave package as part of her terms and conditions of employment, which is something we are both grateful for.

Having children is not a straightforward decision for the majority of hard-working people and Mr Collinge rightly points out that calculations need to be made when deciding on having children.

Both my wife and I made them but would have liked some additional help with paternity leave.

Surely the Government should encourage those who wish to and do work during austere times?

Jon Merchant, Darlington.