I WAS shocked to read that Durham County Council has £568,000 to spend to improve community facilities in Crook (Echo, Apr 14).

How is it that no money was available to keep the town’s leisure centre and swimming pool open?

Add this money to the cost of the demolition (which appeared to be done in haste) and tidying of the site and I believe these facilities could easily have been saved.

Sadly, it is my understanding that the Amateur Swimming Association thought the pool was in good order and well worth saving.

If the council had put more effort into finding more ways to use the centre, such as encouraging more activities for young children, inviting other groups to use the largely unused space or rearranging the existing space, we would still have a facility.

Apparently the decision on the use of the funding will be made by local people.

Will this be the same local people ignored over the travesty of the Glenholme leisure centre closure?

J Fletcher, Crook.