PETE WINSTANLEY suggests that Europe is not being “Islamified” (HAS, Apr 20). What planet is he living on?

Prior to 1889 there were no mosques in Britain. There are now 1,500. The average six-yearold knows that 1,500 is a bigger number than zero.

As to his claim that anyone concerned about the Islamification of Britain is involved in inciting racial hatred, the latter activity is illegal. So I trust he will be reporting me to the police.

Plus he could report the several hundred people in Sunderland, who opposed the proposed Millfield Mosque, as well as a few hundred more who objected to the proposed Islamic school at Benwell Towers.

There is a section of Britain’s political Left that has much in common with Stalin, Hitler and Saddam Hussein: they favour prosecuting those with views that differ from their own.

Or as Oxford’s former professor of government, Professor Max Beloff, said a few years ago: “There is something dangerously fascist about the Labour government.” And a professor of government is not a bad authority on these matters.

Prof Beloff’s remarks are a bit over the top. I have plenty of respect for “old Labour” values: a decent health service and generous pensions, etc. It’s the politically correct section that I strongly object to.

Ralph Musgrave, Durham.