G CARR is correct in saying that some of the large insects about at present are in fact queen bumble bees looking for prospective nest sites (HAS, Apr 3).

However, his comments on Chris Wardell’s claim (HAS, Mar 30) that he is incorrect in describing what he had seen as wasps is incorrect.

The large wasps are in fact queen wasps emerging from hibernation and also looking for nesting sites in which to start a new colony.

Chris Wardell’s instructions to swat any wasps is also incorrect and born of ignorance of the wasp’s importance as a predator and controller of insect pest species and its vital place in the ecosystem.

I also disagree with G Carr’s description of Chris Wardell’s ramblings as “enjoyable”. I find them the irritating ramblings of an incorrigible self-publicist and it goes against the grain to have to defend him on this occasion.

There are those who know him that assure me that “Chris is all right”. However, there are secure units throughout the country full of people who appear superficially to be “all right”.

David Race, Darlington.