THE Northern Echo reported David Cameron’s determination that “Afghan atrocities must not derail us” (Echo, Mar 13).

The PM says we must “stick to the plan, we have a good plan”.

This is delusional.

A recent survey by the International Council on Security and Development showed 90 per cent of Afghans want us out of their country – is that part of the plan?

President Karzai has decreed that women must wear the burqa, they may not walk around unaccompanied by a male relative and may be beaten by their husbands. Is that part of the plan?

Al Qaida has dispersed through the region and is as great a threat as ever. Is this more successful planning?

The Muslim extremist Taliban is in negotiations with the present Afghan puppet regime to facilitate a smooth takeover of the country when we leave. Some plan.

Those of us old enough to remember Vietnam and the My Lai massacre are not at all surprised at the story of the renegade soldier slaughtering 16 people in Kandahar province (Echo, Mar 12).

It’s what happens when you are in an unwinnable war and madness piles upon madness.

Every political party in this country is complicit in this disaster and to read of David Cameron’s belief in his plan is deeply embarrassing.

Rob Meggs, Hartlepool.