I READ with great interest the recent article on the Durham Light Infantry in the Second World War (Memories, Mar 7).

By coincidence we had returned the same day from Singapore where we visited Kranji Commonwealth War Cemetery which contained the graves of four DLI soldiers, among those of many British and Australian colleagues.

The four were: Private GL Barratt (April 25, 1946, aged 19), Private L Barrett (September 26, 1946), Private J W Dear (December 24, 1947, aged 19) and Private D R McGregor (April 28,1946, aged 19).

If any relatives of these young heroes read this they will be pleased to know that the cemetery is kept in first class condition and lies in a beautiful peaceful setting within the northern suburbs of Singapore. I have photographs of each stone and would be delighted to forward a copy to relations of any of the four named. I can be contacted at: tim@meacham35.freeserve.co.uk
Tim Meacham, School Aycliffe.