RONNIE CHAMBERS (HAS, Feb 28) is perfectly entitled to his opinion and, while hardened to such remarks, I was saddened to see Mr Chambers spoil a reasonable letter by suggesting I hate people with left-wing views.

I merely think in general they are pretty incompetent when in government. Borne out by historical events, they waste other people’s money on a massive scale, believe pernicious myths are facts, lack the bottle and will for fear of upsetting people when faced with reforming difficult measures, sink to supporting rent-a-mob and believe that taxing people evermore will solve everything – normally without doing the basic maths.

They leave a complete mess when leaving office and with customary hypocritical behaviour blame the new government for taking the tough decisions they wouldn’t take.

When challenged, the politically motivated lefty can quickly turn nasty.

Mr Chambers conveniently side-stepped the inconvenient fact that the massive rise in youth unemployment occurred on Labour’s watch and correlates with Labour’s open-door immigration policy.

I merely take the view that if I was long term unemployed, but had a willingness to work, and had a 50 per cent opportunity of finding gainful employment after eight weeks work experience, I would take that opportunity and encourage others to do likewise.

The silent majority like this Government project and it is regrettable that some may give up when the placards start waving.

Should not the Government and companies alike come out fighting and explain they are attempting to solve a massive social problem?

Jim Tague, Bishop Auckland.