IF Durham County Council has £80m in reserve funds, as the chairman of Stanhope Parish Council claimed on BBC Look North, why can’t it use some of this money to bring Stanhope town hall up to date.

At the moment it is under threat of closure and Stanhope needs a town hall.

Durham County Council hired the church hall for the public meeting concerning the future of Stanhope Ford. It used taxpayers money, when it could have used the town hall free of charge as it owns the building.

We hold our weekly dance there, it is the most superb floor to dance on, I don’t think there is one like it in the dale and is most suitable for this purpose. We’re always being told to exercise, this is very good for us pensioners. It must be saved.

If the building was brought up to standard, it could be used for many other functions, such as wedding receptions, parties, exhibitions and various other activities.

It could even be used for drama as it has a workable stage.

It’s a pity that, despite all these advantages, the building has been undervalued and neglected for years.

Wendy Hagruth, Stanhope.