RECENTLY a Middlesbrough man found guilty of growing cannabis worth £33,000 escaped a prison sentence because the judge said he"came from a good family" was "very ambitious" and was "hoping to better himself by taking a degree." It's at times like this when I feel there is no hope for this country.

This criminal was ambitious alright and certainly intent on bettering himself - by growing cannabis - studying for a degree did not come into the matter.

With judges like this, is it any wonder that this town and others have a real drug problem?

Imagine all the time, cost and effort the police force put into getting this case to court - and for what?

It's high time our local MPS got round to at least trying to reform the whole of the judicial system in this country. That to me makes more sense than being photographed reading with children in a local primary school.

Joan McTigue Independent councillor, Middlesbrough.