POOR Peter Mullen living in such an uninspiring area as he obviously does, and how wrong he is with his blanket summary of the people of this country.

Only two things come out of his column this week, his invention of a new word “infantilisation” – not in my Oxford dictionary – and his correct perception of too much loud music of any kind covering the dialogue and smashing the attention in TV documentaries.

We do not need the media swamping our lives with the banal activities of so-called celebrities as he is doing it for them. There have always been heroes and politicians who excite people’s imaginations no matter how poor or banal their lives.

Peter has the power in his hands to give a lead as a servant of Jesus.

It is not unusual to find him knocking people instead of giving them a Christian lead.

You are never going to bring people to Christ writing like this Peter. How about some messages of hope and some much-needed Christian leading from you Peter?

Chris Kirk, Brompton.