IN previous letters I put forward the argument that carbon emissions not only don’t affect the climate but that a great deal of evidence can be found indicating that this entire theory was based not on dispassionate scientific evidence, faulty or otherwise, but on the manipulation of data for political reasons by the United Nations.

Their aim was to have a reason for setting up a body with global authority to oversee the distribution of power, as indicated within the Copenhagen Treaty. Fortunately, the talks collapsed.

However, the carbon theory conveniently provides governments with another excuse to raise taxes.

Admittedly, there is a looming crisis, resulting in our poor preparation for future power supply.

There is good reason for limiting our use of petrol. Yet, the limousine users of the EU intend a future tax of 20 euros a metric ton of CO2 on petrol, diesel, natural gas and coal to encourage us to use biofuels.

Biofuels cause food shortages in the Third World and should not be used.

I’m afraid that the days are long gone when truth, honesty and high standards of morality could be depended upon by the majority of our Government representatives.

Charlotte Bull, UK Independence Party.