CONGRATULATIONS on the success of The Northern Echo’s campaign to save our forests.

Hopefully, the Government consultation will highlight a range of issues required – including long-term planning (in decades, rather than the length of a parliament).

Secondly, the need for public involvement when a forest is sold.

The lack of independence of the Forestry Commission, which is regulated by Defra and controlled by politicians of all shades with their vested interests in industrial agriculture, should be changed.

These issues were raised when the Stang was sold in January.

The sell-off was instigated by Labour and sanctioned by the coalition. The Stang was sold through a specialist land agent which may explain why no one knows about it.

The new owner’s client list includes banks and energy companies. John Simpson (HAS, Feb 17) explained the tax perks in forestry.

Will conservation and public access decline in direct proportion with the growth in the pheasant population?

Perhaps the Echo should keep the petition handy. I think we may still need it.

Martin Binks, Aldborough St John.