A FAMOUS “evolutionary cosmologist” visited a school.

He was shown a student’s model (mechanical) of the solar system which, at the touch of a button, sprang into action, aping the functioning of the real thing with astonishing precision and sophistication.

“Amazing” said the cosmologist. “Who made that?”

“No one,” said the student. “It made itself out of nothing.”

“Ridiculous,” said the cosmologist. “Someone had to make it. It simply could not have assembled itself – not in any number of years. It’s too sophisticated.”

“Well, what about the real thing?” asked the student. “It works by identical scientific laws.”

I ask Rob Meggs (HAS, Mar 3): given aeons of time, could this model have assembled itself?

Second, since before the Big Bang – currently the accepted origins theory – there was no existence of anything, time and space included. So how does he explain the existence of anything (such as matter or scientific laws) let alone our highly sophisticated world?

Far more eminent minds scientific, literary and philosophical have pledged belief in God. Darwin himself was agnostic not atheist.

Mike Baldasera, Darlington.