THE United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) claims that man-made carbon emissions will drastically increase earth’s temperature, yet its initial report found that this effect was negligible.

The IPCC would have been disbanded had not a second report been published to provide the required result, with previous data missing and graphs altered.

Not only have scientific journals spotted these mistakes, but large numbers of scientists have organised protests against this scam.

These include the Non Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC) and some 400 scientists who protested at the Bali Climate Conference.

Even members of the IPCC itself do not agree with the official interpretation of their research. Their names have been added to endorse these conclusions without their consent.

One IPCC scientist had to take his employers to court to get his name removed.

British schools cannot show Al Gore’s ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ because it contains so many errors that a concerned father took the matter to the High Court and won his case.

Perhaps it is significant that the UN planned to introduce a kind of world government at the Copenhagen conference, to oversee power distribution.

Billions are wasted on carbon capture. A proper debate is long overdue.

Charlotte Bull, Darlington.

I AM amazed, and disgusted that you publish a letter in which a correspondent’s view is likened to that of a Nazi criminal because he dares to draw attention to the misinformation that is central to the global warning propaganda. (HAS, Jan 13) For anyone who has an open mind, there is a wealth of information available which gives the lie to both the global warming theory, and the notion that man-made carbon dioxide is a significant factor in climate change.

Two excellent examples are “While the Earth Endures”, by Philip Foster, and “The Real Global Warming Disaster”, written by Christopher Booker.

It is a well known ploy to try to stifle argument by abusing anyone who challenges orthodoxy, but that you would support such behaviour does you no credit.

E Saunders, Coundon.

ERIC GENDEL insists that the earth’s climate is changing and that it is caused by coal, gas and oil being burned.

But the earth has been through periods of climate change before.

For example, in the distant past there were six great Ice Ages and during two of them there was ice at the equator.

Five of those Ice Ages were accompanied by atmospheric CO2 levels which were much higher than they are today.

During the Roman occupation grapes were grown as far north as Carlisle and vikings were growing wheat and raising cattle in parts of Greenland which are now uninhabitable.

The Little Ice Age followed and ice fairs were held on the frozen River Thames until 1820.

A warming period then took place from 1860 to 1880, followed by cooling from 1880 to 1910, warming from 1910 to 1940, cooling from 1940 to 1976 and warming from 1976 until 1998.

Since 1998 there has been little change in the Earth’s average temperature.

During the cooling period which ended in 1976 climate scientists were warning that the sun was losing its power and another Ice Age was coming.

Then another warming period started in 1976 and the same scientists were telling us that CO2 emissions were to blame.

Since then, the planet’s temperature has remained more or less the same. So what is going on?

Climate science is imperfectly understood because the earth’s climate is extremely complex and unpredictable.

Jim Allan BSc, Fellow, Institution of Gas Engineers.