YET again, David Lacey tries to convince us that “global warming is a campaign of misinformation being peddled by those interests that stand to make billions out of the global warming scam”.

We are expected to believe that the scientists studying the problem, the 2,500 members of the IPCC (Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change), and the editors of all of the scientific journals which review and publish the information, are all in league with each other.

I wonder how it has been achieved? Have they all been blackmailed or bribed? Who can tell?

Are the experts doctoring satellite images by digitally adding ice to the Arctic Ocean images where no ice is visible?

David Lacey claims that “the media should expose this policy for the complete nonsense it is”.

This reminds me of the claim by Dr Goebbels that if one repeats lies often enough the public will eventually believe it.

Eric Gendle, Middlesbrough.