I WAS dismayed by Brian Corrigan’s letter on the above subject (HAS, Sept 27). Does he not realise the Bengal tiger’s virtual extinction, along with many other creatures, can be laid fair and square at the door of the human race?

Does he not realise the survival of the human race depends entirely on a viable eco-system for us to exploit, or is he planning the long-term, or short-term now, extinction of the human race? I suppose it is some kind of plan.

As he states, the tiger may eat us alive, but this is most unlikely unless driven to it by the destruction of its environment by, of course, the human race.

Regrettably, the letter demonstrates all too vividly the fact that the human race is intelligent enough to cause problems – but not intelligent enough to solve them.

Perhaps I could recommend that Mr Corrigan, and as many people as possible, should watch Lost Land of the Tiger, shown on BBC1 last Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, and now available on iPlayer. It might help to redress the balance a little.

Ken Pattison, Hurworth, near Darlington.