RE recent correspondence about the bombing of Dresden in the Second World War. As a rear gunner on Lancaster bombers, I recall the high losses (over 50 per cent).

Flying over Germany with five tons of bombs and 2,000 gallons of petrol trying to dodge anti-aircraft fire, searchlights and enemy fighters was not easy: no wonder half of the bombers were destroyed.

We did not bomb houses, etc, unless by mistake (it would be pointless). Every target was aimed at and the targets often shown by “Pathfinders”.

Because of Bomber Command, Hitler had to defend every city, town and other targets which took thousands of troops out of the army which could otherwise easily have helped to win the war.

When we landed after raids the first thing we asked at our briefing was “Who’s got the chop?” in case it was some of our friends (and often it was).

Poor Dresden – anyone remember Coventry?

AE Reynolds, Wheatley Hill, Co Durham.