I AM saddened to see the “Charity begins at Home” excuse being used in response to the latest aid appeal for Pakistan.

We all share a common home – it’s called the Earth – however, some of the poorest live in appalling conditions often exacerbated by the greed of the rich Western world.

We ask them to toil for wages per month that we wouldn’t accept for an hour’s labour so we can have cheaper clothes and toys.

Remember charity is about love, if this involves physical help or providing shelter and food for our fellow man then great.

If this can be best achieved by a few pence from everyone, so be it.

B Jackson, Sacriston.

I TOTALLY agree with J M Gowland, Heighington, re Pakistan (HAS, Sept 23). If the Government held a referendum on whether to send aid to Pakistan I am sure it would be defeated.

Valerie York, Northallerton