THE popular press and some politicians would like the people of the United Kingdom to believe we all now live in a secular society.

The recent state visit to our country by Pope Benedict has proved this to be a myth. We most certainly now live in a multicultural society which has demonstrated that with few exceptions the UK is probably the most tolerant and democratic country in the modern world.

I have in my lifetime seen many immigrants settle with their families in the UK, bringing with them new cultures and many different religions. You don’t have to go regularly to your church, mosque, temple or synagogue to believe in your god.

There is a place for all religious beliefs in a free and tolerant society, including those who do not believe in the existence of any god.

What is true throughout Britain is there are many more people of different religious faiths who believe in the afterlife than the minority that believe the human race cannot look forward to life after death.

Ken Walker, Middlesbrough.