VOLUNTEERS and committee members are busy organising summer events, many of which will need support from County Durham’s Safety Advisory Groups (Sags).

These groups, consisting of police, fire and rescue, and ambulance services, and county council representatives, are responsible for putting public safety at the heart of all events.

Considering all aspects of public safety can be complex.

Sometimes, seemingly small requests can have a significant impact on serious issues, such as road safety. This is why these specialist advisors are keen to help communities maintain local traditions such as fetes and carnivals.

So that these groups are in a strong position to take a thorough look at event plans and offer important advice on all aspects of safety I would ask organisers to contact our business support team as soon as possible on 0191-383-3589.

For large events, information, including traffic management plans where required, should ideally be submitted six months in advance and three months for small-scale events.

Website information about Sags is available at durham.gov.uk/Pages/Service.as px?ServiceId=7592 – or by searching for Safety Advisory Groups at durham.gov.uk We want to help maintain rural tradition, not prevent it, so organisers need to contact the business support team in plenty of time to allow all aspects to be properly looked into.

Terry Collins, Director of Neighbourhoods, Durham County Council.