MY schooldays were happy ones, even though there was no central heating (we weren’t sent home), no computers and desperate overcrowding (45 in a class).

Things had improved when my boys were at school in the Seventies and Eighties, but I remember their old shabby, leaking schools, torn books with pages missing, and frustrated teachers.

Conditions may not be perfect now, but they are a darn sight better than then, thanks to significant amounts invested by the outgoing Labour government which, unbelievably, has been snatched back by the Tory-Liberal Democrat coalition Government.

I have seen my grandchildren’s education flourish in these, their early years due to the quality of teachers being employed. But children’s environment and facilities are extremely important, too, if they are to find meaningful employment, to be good inspired citizens, when their time comes. They are our future and we should always do our best for them.

It is cruel to deprive the North-East, again, to focus on the South-East, and future generations of children must have the support they need and deserve. Therefore I am supporting Pat Glass, MP for North West Durham, in her efforts to reverse the tragic cuts for new school buildings and refurbishments in our region and I urge others to do the same.

Marjorie Embling, Crook, Co Durham.