MANY people are devastated by the announcement that Durham County Council’s executive cabinet has agreed to close seven residential care homes.

But people’s reactions to such a decision won’t change the fact that the coalition Government had to make massive cuts in public spending which, in turn, meant that Durham County Council had to do the same.

But if there was an alternative solution which would have kept the seven care homes open, those who opposed the closures would’ve come forward with such a solution long ago. They didn’t because the truth is that the only alternative would be to increase public spending cuts elsewhere, such as in policing, healthcare, childcare, education, etc, which, if suggested by opposition councillors, would cost them or their party votes.

So, instead of putting forward ideas which would help create the right economic conditions by which the council can reopen these seven care homes, critics have taken the easy path of personal attacks and derisory comments about the previous government.

CT Riley, Spennymoor, Co Durham.