I WOULD like to thank Pete Molloy (HAS, July 6) for providing accuracy to my generalisation on voting numbers (HAS, June 25). It further proves my point that the BNP cannot field enough candidates or win significant numbers of seats at any level.

I would also ask him to forward any information he has on the allegations he has made about UK Independence Party members using racist language because, firstly, this is an easy accusation to make, and secondly, this will allow Ukip to start proceedings to remove from the party any members proven to have displayed racism. We do not tolerate racism in our party.

The only times that any credence has been given to Ukip being racist is when “associations” with the BNP have been put forward.

Our stance on immigration is purely pragmatic. The UK is overcrowded and we need to halt permanent immigration while we remove illegal immigrants and while we set acceptable targets for immigration.

Genuine asylum seekers will still be welcomed, as would be expected in any tolerant society.

Dave Brothers, Treasurer, UK Independence Party, County Durham.