ONLY recently, a middle-aged woman was refused entry to an Arriva bus because she was carrying a tin of paint and was forced to walk 1½ miles to get home or phone for a taxi.

If this is a health and safety issue, then fair enough, but I would like to remind Arriva that it is putting passengers lives at risk by allowing young kids to block up the entrance with their pushchairs and children who are screaming their heads off, so the driver has a responsibility to kick them off the bus.

Also, I witnessed a passenger get on the bus with a fully-grown greyhound which I understand is permitted as they have to pay a small fare for.

Has health and safety not taken into account that it is possible for any type of dog to escape its lead and thus distract the driver and cause fatalities.

Arriva needs to get its priorities right, and if it considers a sealed object, such as a tin of paint, to be more dangerous than squealing kids or a dog on the loose then there is something sadly wrong.

What on earth is this world coming to?

Brian Corrigan, Tow Law, Co Durham.