ALL trade unions have rules regarding political spending. As with other unions, Unite has a political fund from which to draw to support its political aspirations.

In all unions there will be many shades of political persuasion across the membership, but members who want to support the union’s political leanings pay a small addition on their subscriptions, which they know goes into the political fund.

The union’s own rules and the law do not permit the use of the general fund for political activities.

If Unite has received funds from the Government, then that will have been by way of appropriate grants and other available funding for projects run by the union.

Unions exist to support members in all aspects of work life, further education and life in society. If people think they have had their day because working life has improved so much, largely by the huge efforts of past and present members, they should think again.

Just reading reports in this paper of the lack of care of employees by any number of employers in this region is sufficient reason for everyone who reads this to join the union at their workplace.

CD Kirk, Brompton, Northallerton.