ONCE again the County Durham Palestine Solidarity Campaign uses lurid and distorted language to misrepresent the situation in the Middle East (HAS, April 26).

I, too, have concerns about the building of settlements in so-called Palestinian areas, but anyone who has visited the country knows that the division of land is complex and not as simple as it might seem to the uninitiated.

However, what I take particular exception to is the use of the phrase “siege of Gaza”. The closure of crossing points followed endless rocket fire from Gaza into Israel. So the Israeli move is entirely understandable. But the border with Egypt is also closed. Why? Are not the inhabitants of Gaza blood brothers of the Egyptians?

Apparently not and the reason is plain for all to see. Egypt views Hamas as a bunch of terrorists and will not deal with them. So why don’t the trio of do-gooders mention this in their letter? Please explain, or is it too embarrassing for them to admit the truth?

David Lacey, Durham.