SO DAVID Cameron will not actually sack policemen, nurses, teachers and care workers – he just won’t replace anyone who leaves. For how long? Until they are all gone? Who will do their work? Do the sums and you find that to save £2 bn will cost 50,000 – mostly low-paid – jobs in public services.

And, of course, if he also cuts spending on building schools, mending the roads, cleaning hospitals, new drugs or new kit for the Army, that means jobs will go in private firms too.

Labour would rather fill the gap with a bit more tax on the better off.

How much did Mr Cameron make on the rising value of his house – without lifting a finger?

Paul Harman, Darlington.

THE long-term recovery of the economy will be helped by greater certainty in the public finances.

The recent changes in VAT as part of the stimulus package is estimated to have cost small businesses somewhere in the region of £350m.

To change VAT again this year will cost the same at a time when the recovery of the economy should be nurtured.

The uncertainty in business investment will continue until greater certainty can be given.

Uncertainty is holding the recovery of the economy back.

Small businesses want to lead the recovery of the North-East economy but need more help from any future Government.

John Pettifer, Middlesbrough.